Wednesday 4 October 2023


Females aaj kal slightest of drool from some random most guy and suddenly they get all worked up!!!!!

Like it weirdly bout just the drool instead of the quality of the drool I say!!!!!

It’s the very same people giving you gyaan and the gyaaaaands bout love relationship one is constantly eyeing almsot anybody passingby the other having a bitter divorce moving on is a part of life but your case is something that there is not a single person apart from him that would really understand why it is the way it is or what’s even going on the inside of you…..

In places in people your eyes on this constant search mode to find him to find anything him and this feeeeeel of him being along is even more weirdly beautiful… the second you come out of that moemnt of wanting to be away from the weirdness another stall and there too there he was with Jagjit sing music playing and this one guy walks and stands before you in the que for those chocolate fountains which you didn’t even know were in the line cause that’s how lost and drawn you were just to the sound of his music……the guy wearing a white shirt white shoe and cap on that said 86 king or something like twice in a row can’t be random nai like if it this alone wasn’t enough the second you see that visual hosh walo ko song of his starts to play……

Timing of it all being same time around back then when he plays thus very song in his car on your way to the gym!!!!!!

Even reliving moments like these now this feeeeeeel how why what to even!!!!!!

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