Sunday 1 October 2023


 This morning it was the beautifully strangest dream you’d woken up to!!!!

Looking down from your present apartment and you see him waving at you from down and calls you and the visual of it is of your present phone and you see his name present make flash over as it rings Singh miyaa and asks you come down urgently!!!!!

Run to him literally run across the lobby with him waiting in the car and takes you to the street beside your apartment and chummis you away in a haste beautiful rush like all over your face shoulder arms like he was meeting you after long and you keep asking saying something but like he was in that rush just lives loves your orsence that way without saying a word and soon the next visual was him waving back giving you a flying chummi exactly like he used to back then that’s when you see he was wearing the very same black softest cotton shirt that you’ve been dreaming him in like you couldn’t see him as he was chumming you away so couldn’t see clear what he was wearing or anything but only in that moment as he was bout to leave you see the same shirt and realise that it’s the same shirt you’ve been dreaming him in and like it all connects in that moemnt……..

To this other dream continuation being he comes again in that shirt as you turn feel his shirt and open your eyes and see he was turned facing towards you and looks down at himself showing off his deep open buttoned shirt like knowing again how much you loved it and smiiiiles away looking you in the eye the viiiiiiiiiiibe of tat moemnt charlie was that beauuutiful like there was passion definitely but it was more bout that khushi rushing through you cause he knew how much you missed seeing him seeing his facial features and he actually shows you that this time he was turned towards you and dresses exactly as you loved him in!!!!!!

Like you wake up and still that lost bout what ri make sense of the dream the waaaaaaay it all felt that real like you were smiling hopes wishes running high and how like even writing it now this feeeeeeeeewwwwwwwl of him!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Singh miyaaaaa how only you are being missed abhiiiii k abhiiiiiiiiii if only you had the skiiiigjtesg idea bhi!!!!!

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