Saturday 7 October 2023

This mind!!!!!

 When you’ve been feeling this much away this mind right now not sure where or how to start even!!!!!

When the song lyrics go from actual to have this faith to everytime you hear it it feels like to love your face……

Cause that’s exactly that you’ve been living feeelinf away in your mind ever since that picture of his…

From the hair cut place to reliving his love for you through the experience and still it feels like the same inside outside…where she being she massages your scalp whilst washing moving hands over n over again around the ears rubbing it and you ask her to stop and just the wash…..

Like something’s some moments and the waaaaaays his eyes still feel around you like in that moment as the guy starts to cut your hair and your mind slowly that beauuutifully drifts off to and everything him and you move your head looking out of the window at the craamsyone sign and the stylist mentions bout how you were thinking something and the way it looked like it was pulling you to the other side the way your head keeps turning towards that one side……that’s when you realise that’s how lost you weee in him……

There are these flashes of him charlie that rush through you all the more in his places…

To the route of Kukatpally and this cars ij a row with 2727 1072 and it makes you wonder are there that many cars with the same number to finally sorting your number plate out and finding the rto guy give you your most loved number without even paying additional I say it’s ulta 86 but 68 and your mind also reads it ulta every single time now and that inside smile like had to nai…….to mid way throug the drive that day and this one car speeds by to the side and that’s exactly when you had your window down just to feel the evening breeze over the face and the car starts to play hawayein also one of those tracks you are closest to cause that’s exaaaaacrlh how you feel him in the random most of moments and places!!!!!!

It’s this thing charlie like some string gets pulled towards him like it starts wit your mind to slowly all of you till the core being drawn to everything him and how!!!!!

And suddenly evrythung in the present starts to disappear and all that stays is him and this viiiiibe of him that just lingers around you!!!!

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