Saturday 7 October 2023

Some sounds!!!!

 Tooootallu out of the writing mood that you were writing bout just right now as you were writing some other moment this other moment rushes throug you which you never not recently atleast relived before!!!!!

This one time at opera mostly when there it used to be bout yih wanting to live him and others when there was this rushhhhhh for you in him and this one time he was just hiiiighljke you could feel that change in him not literally high but something in him was different and soon as there the waaaaaay he just holds you stopping the car much before the end of the road of your side of opera…

Just stops and holds you away in a rush and that one rushed deep chummi like he was in a rushhhh and moves a lil away and this one look in his eye passionate emotional and just nothing like you’d seen him as before and the way he points at himself and tells you am all yours just yours like feeling his chest away flipping his shirt side and shows you telling you over and over again and the waaaaaaaay he was telling you he never did that before and holds you again tighter than before…..

This one moemnt donno why of all these years it jus rushed through you now!!!!!!

These very things charlie sometimes when you donno what this magic is cause you’ve been feeling thus lately after that song with this thing in mind of him being with ………and this very second to feeeeeel this rush of memory like you could literally see him from that very moment that clear the look in his eyes the way he was moving and repeating it over n over again showing himself to you……

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa singhhhhh miyaaaaaaaa how onlyyyyy you were missed abhiiiii k abhiiiiiii!!!!!!!

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