Sunday 1 October 2023

Some movies!!!!

 Be it the movie last night and the moments that followed after like still the mind keeps playing them on loop be it just the visual of his hand moving over yours feeling your hand and skin away and the waaaays it moves or this morning face of magic and this realisation prolly the only face in life that you’ve lived and LOVED so much!!!!!!

Like living every single detail of his face and loving each one away as you live it……..

Moments MOMENTS!!!!!!!!!!

No wonder this one movie or any moment with him for that matter and all it takes is that one moment of reliving it or living that beauuuuuuuuurty of him in a dream for even a second and this you this you right now it transforms away into!!!!!!

Absolute eternal sunshine of the spotless mind…!

This sudden realisation throug this scene when clem mentions bout what took you so long and that very moment this picture of his that he had given you whilst filing some kids film festival form thing for family and he was attaching this image of his lokkijg high and adoooooorable with his tee that said solate and he gives one for you that still in your wallet like changing wallet getting a new one always always is bout if it has a picture slot that you can see him as and when you open the wallet…something’s nai!!!!!!!! This beauty of their own like it’s been years now but every single time you have to open your wallet for something it always is about the first two seconds of living that adooooooorableness of him and then going on with what you were doing like always there’s that sigh of I love you man every single time!!!!!

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