Sunday 1 October 2023


 There was this thing bout him be it at his place first new moments and the waaaay he would just hold you when you are most at your helpless state in the most beautiful way possible and just hold you saying I know I know karely!!!!!

At opera when too much of rush in moments and you just hold him in the peak of moments not knowing what the rush inside was bout and the waaaaaaay he would just pull you by your leg saying I know I know it’s ok it’s ok it happens it was things you had no clue bout what so ever the changes inside what exactly happens with what and you think it to be something else and you tell him you had to find a restroom in a rush and he keeps holding you saying karely it’s not that it’s not that and you tell him he is not understanding like you remember this moemnt this clear cause you thought you were on your out of date and he just holds you tightly takes your face in his hands and says looking you in the eye karely it’s not what you think it is and tells you exactly what it was……..

To this same feeeeeel watching eternal sunshine that day post bup at his place and the waaaaay he moves his hand over your arm over your palm your fingers the skin over tips of your palm just moves around feeling it away not a word nothing and you suddenly go all blank for watching the movie and the waaaaay he would sense that without even looking at you what exactly was rushing in you and that chuckle tone of voice says haaan so much of the movie are you feeling and watching……

The beauty of those moments was from feeling him feeling his love for you for the first time watching it with him to you feeling it the second time watching it with him…

Like the first time was all him feeling that way for you to the second time being you the wqaaaaaaaaaay from him doing that to your hand to when you do the same with his hand and he says this feels different……like let’s you do that move over his arm and hands for a few mins on stretch!!!!!!

It’s that beauty of transfer of energy of vibes of love of something beyond just love like that trance state of mind where you lose sense of anything around be it visuals be it sound of then movie nothing really matters except for him and that very moment with him………

Just the movements with him looking you in the eye as you feel him away whowwwwwwweeew some moments and just recalling it as you write and the more your mind replays it now this THIS feeeeeeeeeel right now!!!!!!!

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