Monday 9 October 2023


 It was a very missing high kinda vibe last night with some movie playing and you losing yoruself in this vibe of the sound living him away!!!!!!

A lil high on gin and a lil waaaaaaay toooooo much him highd!!!!!!!

Like he has been coming this way for the last 2 days like he would just lay there closest to you moving his hands around and over you your face details of yours face and actually checking your hair out cause it’s half gone real short and half same as before!!!!!

And the beauuuuuuuty of it is him actually seeing the now hair of yours feeeeling it away chuckling away seeing how messed up it looks and you say something you not sure of and the way he says I love it like this……’s this almost hypnotic beauuuuuuuty he looks in that same shirt again like he actually comes in it the waaaaay he knows how much you actually go drooling crazy over the way he looks in that…..the vibe is slow with these here n there rushes of him but like just wanting to live your details away as you try to move to reach out and the waaaaaay he nods away not wanting you to move and he himself slowly reaches out closest to your face and eats your nose away just like he used to back then……..that very sense of him and lived that very moment a zillion times for real back then and a zillion more in dreams and the waaaaaaay it makes you feeeel every single time like everything in you on the inside softly squiiiiiiiiiiiished away to the deeeepest knot possible!!!!!!!

Like that sudden feeeeeeeeeel on the inside ekdum se!!!!!!!

And you wake up to the sound of the alarm and that feeeeel to not open your eyes and just relive him his details his eyes his lips the complete face of his the way these lil smiles sleeeeepy eyes and the way he nods away beech beech mein knowing about the rush through you and yet nodding away making sure you don’t move cause maybe he knows too you would wake up if you do so!!!!

Something’s you write and this weird feeeel of heights nai of this beautiful madness!!

To the second you come out of the room and that one look from your mom to sitting down for chai and she says some days you look different it’s like there is this world inside your brain and you just living it smiling away like you oook different this morning……and how you struggled to hide your expression and not smile away to that and ask her good different or bad different and she says beautiful different…

Of al days today jabki you feel bloated most with barely 3 hours of sleep and yet this neeeed to workout to feel him more….

Get in the worst workout possible with more yawns than moves……to this most loved part of your workout and play one song play another and the magic starts!!!!!!

Feeeeeel him that stronglyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in a way you can’t write out whereas your minds been slow with his lazy highd dreams and bere he comes with the strongest rush of his presence and that you felt THAT strong!!!!!!

Like even to write it out now to feeeeeeeel him that way in your waking state bhi through the move to this other time practising this new thread needle move thing for the shoulders and as you practice for flexibility of it instead sprain it cause you again felt him over your shoulder that soft n hard sense of the nibble with eyes shut!!!!!!!

And as you stay that way that strong sense of him sometimes even writing these out it’s completely madness the most beautiful one though how why what doesn’t even make any sense!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of Him!!!!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa Singh miyaaaaaa tummmm ittteeeee zoooooor shoooooooooor se yaaad aaare ji!!!!!!!!!

If you only knew slightest bhi!!!!!

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