Sunday 1 October 2023


 That late afternoon at his place you reading his script or something and him working on something or playing something over his desk…..

And he suddenly gets off grabs you literally by your legs as you were on his bean bag comes close to you pulls you closer sitting on the ground and asks you wanna see something which I really want you to and you more than excited nod away with a yes and he literally lifts you off  lays you closer to his bed pulls the bean bag over asks you to sit there places his laptop over his bed and plays eternal sunshine for the first time…

Gets another bean next to you and sits with you holding your arm……and from the very start beech beech mein you keep telling him how you couldn’t understand a thing and he keeps telling you it will grow let it grow over you just watch it……

It was a strange beautiful vibe to those moments charlie like you couldn’t really make sense of the movie but could feel a strange something like the way he was moving around you holding your arm feeling your arm away holding your one leg closer to him like literally holding as much as you possible sitting beside you…….even when you had to get some biscuit pack or something holds your leg and instead gets it for you saying you just watch it…

Like it meant that much to him like wanting to watch it with you meant that much to him…..almost through the movie he mentions holding you remember at the gym right at the very start I did tell you this about this movie that someday I’ll make you watch this movie in that very moment itself I always knew I’ll be holding you and watching it together with you…

The second he says you try to recall bout him saying it only by then night you were actually after spending that many hours you do realise bout that incident he was talking bout and actually text him saying yaad aya and he faraaak se calls you asking you bout it like he just by that text knew what exactly you were talking bout on the treadmill him coming running to you and used to do this very often when he just had to HAD TO tell you something or share something with you with your poora attention on him he would just come and hit stop on your treadmill and tell you have you seen eternal sunshine and you tell him home alone is prolly the only Hollywood movie you’d seen and he tells you someday soon and that one smiiiiiiiiiile of his and him still looking you in the eye says it again some day soon and stil looking at you hits start on your treadmill and gets back to his weight section……

That day watching it with you made him that happy the waaaaay he was feeeeelinf away your presence holding all of you away and you still couldn’t make much sense of the movie then but that loooove of his that different feeeeeel as you feel him away move that way around you differently for the first time…

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