Sunday 31 December 2023


 Your mind lacks that imagination in other things except for him and work or designs there’s this lack of imagination thing…

But when it comes to him specially it runs and goes all wild!!!!!

There was this instance of gram conversation or gossip rather bout some insta pages and this one they were discussing bout and you were setting up the dinner table and they bring it over showing it to you and was that scene of a girl holding the guy rough from the back and just licks him over the ear and they had it all wrong things to say bout it saying it usually happens the other way round……

Your mind that very instance was that lost that you had to rush to the washroom on your way there take your earplugs along and play this sound again!!!!!

At his dd space just bout to leave and you were wearing your chappals or something it was and he comes and holds you from behind in that rush and just pushes you against the wall before you and stays that way holding you tight kissing smelling your hair away from behind!!!!! Like you could literally hear him smell you and just move over you and that feeeeeeeweeeel cause he never did that before you never experienced something like that before it was different it was rough it was wild and you loooooooved it like you try to move to hold him or something and he doesn’t let you and just stays that way holding you only after a bit after he leaves you that rush in you by then that you turn around and first thing to chummi eat him away it was different!!!!!!!!!

Like that one moment stays with you and how!!!!!

And that wait in you to meet him again and the next time in some mirror moennt or you were brushing your hair or something and see him coming closer to you and you instead hold him from the back trying to do the same thing but him being him more power turns literally flips you over and holds you from the back again!!!!!!

Today watching that video first your mind goes over living that moennt with him to wanting to live this moennt with him and that very instance also wondering him being taller you wouldn’t be able to reach his ears to lick him that way and that whole scenarios playing in your head maybe some heels would held but then you don’t wear heels either it’s like you that bqaaaaaadly wanted to live that moennt with him your mind was doing that thing of picturing him right there and that need that want to do it that way!!!!!!

It was absolute madness be it that moennt your mind was planning it away or after your mind trying to tame itself down and failing every attempt at it!!

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