Sunday 24 December 2023

Dreams n visions!!!!

 Lift was under servicing and yet was let open for use!!!!

It drops from ground floor to basement 9-10 times by then it was you and your mom in the lift panicking worst trying to contact the security from the lift phone as there was no network on your fone…..

By the time somebody comes over opens the lift with a key and your mom steps out feeling giddy with those lift drops and misses a step and falls on the side bruise her nose and lips worst possible way with blood everywhere on the floor by the time you reach her watch her fall and blood everywhere!!!!!

You lose your senses crying shivering couldn’t even hold your phone proper to call back the driver as you had to rush her to the hospital the security guys come over holding her cause you shivering hands shaky couldn’t hold her at Apollo finally and with the worst experience there too asking for money every counter without even attending to her or proceeding with the dressing it’s suddenly when you feel it’s just you like couldn’t see her that way bleeding that bad and nobody coming over to check her even……

From that point losing your cool and raising your voice at them about the situation finalky doctors start coming over to check her and the dressing is done scans and tests were done!!!!!

All through your shiver doesn’t stop and that one constant feeeel of just having someone by your side and that second as you wait out for the scan to be done that one feeeel of him beside you it’s that sudden new want that you realise didn’t even need and could miss him that way too was another one of those firsts!!

And you instead switch to Sai baba to find that comfort like from that moment on till she got better since a day finally has been just pure Sai baba magic!!!!!!

Staying up almost a week and just paring her to be normal as she couldn’t walk on her own and yih had to stay up praying baba there’s this one constant feeeeel of him charlie as mad as this sounds there has been that sense of his shoulder beside you as you could still find that comfort in his scent as you rest your head over him couldn’t even listen to music as you had to make sure you could hear her if she wanted your help……

It’s been this one constant feeeeel sometimes when too stressed or scared for her there was those chummis on your forehead that sudden wet feeeeel over the forehead and that scent of him followed after!!!!!

Again one of those things you can’t reason out what it was even but to feeeeeel him away that strongly even in your worst times was something else!!!!!

So much so that it only made you want him all the more even with the waking up like to be with you beside you like to know you are not alone in this!!!!!

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