Saturday 2 December 2023

Dream come true…!

 This one fellowwwwwwwwwwwwww has and will always have meraaaaaaaaa poooooooooooora ka poooooooooora heart kidney and everything in between on him!!!!!!!!

Said it before can say over a zillion times there’s absolutely nothing or no one in the world that makes you feel this way the waaaaaaaaaaaaay anything him does…

When’s you are smiling not cheek to cheeek but shoulder to shoulder kindaaaa big wide smile on your face and this waiiiiiiiit now to get home and write it out!!!!!’n

This video of him n ringo and him in whiteeeeeee of all the days today in white from waking upto him in that white and THAT kind of waking up to now seeing him on the same day in white…the waaaaaaay it in some way feeeeels that close to dream come true vibeee !!!!!!!!!

This adoooooooooooooooooorableness of him that one waaaaaaaaay of him making that face after seeing ringo make that face and the waaaay he goes over to hold ringos face exaaaaaaaaaaaaact moment having lived over a zillion times with him holding your face !!!!!!!!!

This one FEEL right now ringo the luckiest I swear!!!!!!!!!!!

Singggggg miyaaaaaaaaaaaaAaa tummmm aisaaaaaaa waisaaaaaaaaa kaisaaaaaaa kaisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yaaaad aaaare jiiii abhiiiiik aboioiiiiii!!!!!!!!!

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