Thursday 28 December 2023

Beautiful madness!!

 It’s been complete max madness at work!!!!!

Not having been to work all these days over a week being at home and now suddenly there are too many things to deal with and a complete mess!!!!!

Amidst everything you are this gorgeously slammed with one of those most beautiful moments of him that brings him along and how HOW!!!!!!

And even tackling the mess today at work you just couldn’t wipe that smile off your face I say!!!!!

Getting ready stepping out rushing to work early where all of you still looking at the mat with that deeeep sense of missing away the himversion this morning…soon as you step out and standing standing eating your breakfast lunch thing and your mom pulls your shirt and buttons one button saying how could you miss out on buttoning up properly……

And you standing there looking down suddenly look up and there you see him right there in that moment!!!!!!

Like how does he come out of nowhere and that feeeeeel that rush in that very moment it brings along is beyoooooond magic…..

Even this very moment now where you just wanted to be listening to this new find at this cafe today and you couldn’t stop reliving him away with this track playing at the cafe the waaaaaay it falls this insync with your mood and moment of him and this same moment comes along with this music….!

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