Sunday 24 December 2023


 It was just a day or two before your birthday!!!!

In your head still the worst one but the way him again makes it this beautiful!!!!!

Trying your best to stay up for mom and you fall asleep sitting sitting and this one feeeeeeeeeel of him literally holding you moving away pulling you closer to him like you were now leaning over him with that support and you move open your eyes there was his lips that close to yours that scent of him visual of him suddenly above you and it was almost day behind him like you try to make snes of that moennt….

And he leans over nodding away that beauuuuutifully slowly chummis you away and in that very moment charlie I swear it was a comfort after the most stressful of almost more than a week like that one moment of feeeling him chummi you that way as he still stays over slowly nibbling away and that one sighhhhhhhh of the most beauuuuutiful comfort in his touch taste and smell was magical!!!!!!!

And he slowly moves away and you make a sound like not wanting him to move away and the waaaaaay he immediately holds your hand with that grip that it wakes you up!!!!!

Like you couldn’t make sense of what just happened cause the visual was that clear and real his one hand on the steering as he leaned over you to chummi you to the other one tightly holding you holding onto you and you still feeeeeeling that sense of him over your lips even after the waking up!!!!!!

And that one visual one moennt of him stayed with you and how and you had to put a picture on that feeeel and use his picture as your dp from the drives back from his dd space and you take his picture holding the steering wheel!!!!!

It’s when time and again you realise how much of him are completely of by now…!

To still be able to feeeel him away like this in a time like that one was something else!!!!!!

Exaaaactly the way he used to hold you back then when on drives and the ditto way of his leaning over you to chummi you still holding you tight with the other hand…

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