Saturday 9 December 2023


 To that very moment of the color of love and the weird car scene but the waaaay it brings your moennt again with him…

Out just people watching in some mall it was and then some store and you checking men’s wear always and him in kurti section and the way he comes to your side of the store holding this kurti in his hand asking you to go try it on and the second you come out in that the way he looks at you with that smile on and you keep telling it was expensive for what it was worth and him nodding away and then comes closer showing you the color of his love over your neck and this part of the kurti in same color as that……as it was just around your neck area and that feeeeeeeeel!!!!!!

Like all he wanted to see in that moennt was to see ur match with that color of his over you!! And you convince him saying not to buy that cause it was expensive and the color over you was more prettier than that one!!!!!

It’s like living those moments of yours wity the story and you couldn’t stop smiling even scene after and they commented over that too how could you even enjoy those scenes that much like the movie was bad influence and shit like that but all you could feeeeel is that beautiful part of you being set free living him away visually in those moments!!!!!

To the post movie reviews them sharing bout how anti feminist the movie was and violence and stuff and all you could comment was that they must watch Tarantino movies or few series on Netflix itself that were much more violent without any context or story related what so ever…..

Every movie every story a storyteller says conveys is a freedom of expression people cannot comment over what stories someone must say or share it’s their story after all so must have that basic liberty to say it or share it their way what works for them the best……

And the story wasn’t bout the girl it was bout the guys love for his father and the story around the same topic…..

It’s these moments that they did bring along yours with him…and the way post that them commenting bout how a guy who loves your feet doesn’t even exist and it was so superficial and in your head I just got that lucky in life smiling away on the inside with the widest smile possible……

Like in your head you think you were smiling on the inside till that moennt someone comments over how you’ve been non stop smiling after a movie that one!!!!!

It immediately goes to your fav list for more reasons than just one…!

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