Sunday 24 December 2023


 To this solo date the other day or this evening over some friends gathering for just an hour to show your face and come back !!!!!

It was this Starbucks to just be in one his places and just be……

It’s this feeeeeel of him these places bring along this one being at gvk sitting there with him eating his coffee froth away where he would always ask them to give a spoon along just so you could eat it from his cup too…….and him not even slightest embarrassed by you as people used to look at you doing that and you would stop beech mein and he would insist by pushing the cup back to you and nodding away giving a go for you to do it……

To that moment of running back to him to that very place as he sister suddenly drops over and takes you along beech mein to meet her friends and you come back saying you left your phone and find him standing right there waiting for you like he knew for sure you would come back for him…

To see him still standing there for you and you run to him and hold him away with people still around and the waaaaaay he hugs you back it’s that feeeeeeeel of knowing you weren’t the only one…

To those moments of people watching with him and just chilling in that very space to be there that day and just feeeeel and live him away there was your peace…

To this day some guy at her house suddenly takes out the guitar and starts to strum away some sound and that feeeeeel in that very moennt for not having seen him do that knowing his love for guitar cause back then he didn’t have the strings or some issue with his guitar!!!!!

And everytime since then any sight of somebody playing the guitar it’s this one longing it brings along every single time to watch him play and sing along cause there was that beauuuuuuuuty of him singing too and THAT you were lucky having lived it that THAT much!!!!!!!

Him singing away on drives pouting his sexy lips away as he sings and to those lucky day when he would sing away Hindi songs for you to you!!!!!

It’s this sudden feel charlie when you live something and realise didn’t live him that way when you see some visual a moennt in some movie and that realisation missed out on that moennt with him to live him that way to that need and want of loving him that way too!!!!!!

It’s these mixed feeeels lately that his dreams only add more to this rush!!!!!

Theoufjbqnd through this time that one constant feeeel and need to watch his video with ringo and that was your ultimate moment of peace comfort and all things love and smiles!!!!!

Like the only moment that did bring back the smile on you and picturing yourself in place of ringo every single time….

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