Sunday 3 December 2023


 Multiple stores for fabrics there was this one state of mind that your mind is lost in lately!!!!!

Wity the distance and then these dreams living him away like it grows with every dream……and it’s been getting a lot more beautifully but ironically difficult to handle and hold your mind away!!!!!

There’s this constant rush mode you are on like there’s this huge rush on the inside and then having to be that calm and normal on the outside is all mixed up!!

To the day today after work you had to drop in for a bit checking on her for a bit as she has been growing throfjb a divorce plus moving out of her moms place and close by to your place to you drop there and that one visual on loop from the drive……

On the way to her place it did get quite late and you had a nap for a few mins or something it was and this one visual of him on the beach again somethjngs you can’t possibly write out another one of your firsts and that shake you wake up with……cause it was the first time you had a visual somewhere out you out and him out out like out!!!!!!

And that one feeeeeeeel you wake up with that rush that confusion that beautifully restless state of mind and you try to tame it down by listening to absolutely ridiculous tracks just so it diverts your mind away……..but am telling uuu nai charlie nothing brings out this feminine side of you the waaaaaay anything him brings it out making you realise you are a woman having these experiences!!!!!!!

To that same state of mind you head to her place like not a word from you as she goes on n on bout it and then that one sound somewhere close by and you open the door and you could almost hear and that’s when she says she is going down to get few things as she leaves you slowly walk closer to the sound……it was from the flat close to the lift and you stay there listening ro the sound cause the waaaaaay it made you feel even wity slightest sound of that track was beyond!!!!!

It was that feeeeeeeeel of him that came along with the sound…

Shazam it and quickly come back and that moooood that zone it land d you in was something else!!!!!!

Like that was your lil private party happening till she comes back and that need to just be home it’s this sudden something you get filled witb everytime you come back home after meeting him there always used to be that need to be ok your own for a bit to calm yourself down divert that rush away just before coming home……

And that rush today and you just wanted to be home and you make some excuse and literally run outta there!!!!!!

And back home first thing………SOMETHINGS!!!!!!!!!

It’s all madness I swear absolute madness!!!!!!!!

To realising workouts not the only thing making the face red away the sec you see your face after that face of yours coming back home on the way from opera like that’s the first and only thing you could think of looking at yourself in the mirror !!!!!!!!

It’s this very same you that feels nothing at all absolutely nothing that numbly numb generally but lately it’s all changed right from the week recently you’ve been having these dreams in a row the way he has been coming to the waaaay it’s only been making you fuel and live it more with these sounds…….like either you stop listening to these or stop sleeping the only either of ways to tame your mind away!!!!!!

And none of which you would want to pick absulte madness I say!!!!!!!

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