Saturday 30 December 2023


 How does something like this make you feeeeeeeel him away like this THIS!!!!!!!

Every single time he comes like this this you it leaves you with !!!!!!!!

THAT rush this morning sound of him breathing rush of him breathing the way he was moving over and around you the touch sound and scent of him like soooo SO much you wake up with and that first neeed to get the workout done!!

Lil did you know the HIGH Him highd state of mind you were in today like this one set tinliker gets your mind in the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay that one rush of him today tho on the treadmill itself and that need to run speed drive just to run somewhere far off and just live that feeeeeeeeel that rush cause knowing you can’t run to him but it was that strong urge charlie today that strong rush that also was another one of those firsts today….in between the workout kinda first coming literally!!!! Changing words as subtle as you could be bout it!!!!!!!

To the post workout cut short the strength training today cause you just had to live this rush of him rushing through you right now!!!!

Cause all you could smell feeeeeel over and around you was Him!!!!!

To these moves and this loooooove and passion for it as you learn new moves to feeeel him away and the waaaay today this one stroke of his touch under your chin to like you could feeeeeel it that strongly also why you make sure to keep your eyes shut al through to feeeel him as max as you could!!

It’s that one touch and the waaaay it just gets you in that groove mood vibe of that moennt smiling away akele living that rush of him away!!  To this other moment of this track playing anulom vilomas you breathe through and even then all you could live was him being nose touch distance from you looking deep in your eyes just like he used to at his place in his room close to the washroom against the wall…….that same exact vibe this very day today as you breathe through and living that rush of him as you could feeeel his lips nose almost touching your skin away as you switch between one nose to the other…

It was magical it was surreal it was a different experience altogether today even now like you are breathing this high post movements see your face red today like you can geeeel this rush this strong today!!!!!!

Usually movements cool uou down it’s not happening today nope!!!!!

This you right now this rush of him through you right now!!!!!!!

Kyaaaaaa hotaaaaaa ki aaaaj it’s like you are beyond your own control today!!!!!!!

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