Sunday 3 December 2023

This mind!!!!

 There’s that difference charlie like one tends to hold their mind focusing on that one aspect of life and then there’s the other who is leading a life without the aspect and then suddenly something shifts there’s that change in the pattern of life…….suddenly from usual regular dreams to this transition lately and the waaaay it transformed your way of life to that constant need to workout just so you could feel live him more it’s this one change suddenly recently and you do your best and at the same time don’t wanna tame this mind too……

Cause it’s been the longest LONGEST having felt him having felt yourself feeling all this away for him cause mostly you tend to avoid thinking feeling that aspect of your life…of you!!

Just cause you thought there’s no point even as it only happens with him and then to live feel that feel and the after only gets worse…..

But lately it’s this different his dreams the moments sounds you come across throug the day to these sudden love for workouts post moments to feel him more……

To today being one of those firsts again where out you live a visual of him that way and soon as you are up that one feeeeeo inside smiles thinking what was that even!!!!!

And that need to live him and that one adoooooooooorableness of him chewing it that way to that one smiiiiiiile of him to that sound of his voice ek aur magic one two and the waaaaay it makes you happiest away everytime he says it literally feeling away ringo feels in that moemnt!!!!!

It’s this beautiful fix when you are not sure if to miss him adore him cutely or to live his details his face his daaaaadi him in white shirt his shoulder him overall the waaaaaay some visuals can make you trace back to the time you’ve lived loooooved those very details!!!!

It doesn’t make sense it’s getting all this beautifully crazy!!!!!

You your state of mind this missing growing at this pace and this way!!!!!!

How do you even belt this mind away!!!!!!!!

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