Saturday 2 December 2023


 He actually did spoil you with all that love of his!!!!!!

To think of it now those very lilst moments of him loving you the way he did….like until him you always thought your brother loved you the most and after him theres nothing else even close to the way he loved you…

Walking down the stairs from his terrace post that first time psy beedi high into his room like you directly go sit on his bed full daring before his sister and she leaves to her room and you just be there cause that’s how badly you wanted to be with him that night……

And the waaaay he keeps asking you to leave to her room instead standing a lil away and you spread your arms wide asking for a hug and the waaaay he comes walking bombiiii nakkkoo pls chachi said not to and comes to your knee without hugging holds your face same expression again laughing at you and you get finalky mad at him ek hug nai ek kiss nai and you try to get off and you couldn’t walk and the way he whispers away lil more close if I come I won’t be able to let you leave my room……

It’s only today after all these years seeing that one video of his all these lilst of moments of him doing the exact same thing watching you feel helpless chuckles awaaaay shrugging his gorgeous shoulders away and then come close to hold your face away with that same very expression that he had in this video!!!!!

It was that new experience new feeeo charlie living him that night differently to the way you were used to seeing him there that close to you in his room high on him to experience all those first times to wanting to be closest to him for the first time at that hour and then having to leave his room you just couldn’t didn’t want to……

And he could see it in you to finalky asking to lift you and drop you in her room and you nod saying katif get off and struggle to walk yourself out to her room cause you just couldn’t feeeo the ground beneath it was like almost flying to her room like you remember the exact feeeeel of your feet and him from that’night…

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