Saturday 9 December 2023


 It’s that feeeeeeel of him feeling away your ankle your calf as he sets the chudi away and you that lost in that beauuuuuuuty of him the waaaay he was doing it away!!!!!

To this other incident being when at his place and his sister comments over your feet saying she has weird feet and he immediately says no she has normal feet and then looks at you and says it again she has beautifully normal feet……

As it was just a day before that day exactly the day before that at the stadium place like that initially used to be the nose chummi place before the actual chummi happened……from the nail cutting to most of the evenings there used to be when he would come to your side of the door and sit close to your leg and this one time he actually holds your feet like touches the skin away oopar se as you still had your sandals on and you immediately take the sandals off and touch him again cause he touches your feet and the waaaaay he chuckles away that qdoooorably saying this is your another thing after forehead touching and feels your feet again this time differently that it doesn’t make you retouch him back cause it felt different……and then the way he looks at each finger on your feet feeling it away and even writing now that very moment this clear to just live him love you that way too!!!!!!

It’s that realisation how he was changing away everything you thought was love and with every move making you realise this is love too to feel love this way that makes you feel beyond than just Love itself!!

To that next day when his sister comments over your same pair of feet and the way he reacts and then looks you in the eye with that lil conversation almost between you two and the second he finds that lilst time in his room with you the very first thing he mentions bout is that beautiful coincidence…

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