Sunday 24 December 2023


 He would could say away a zillion more things just by the way he would look at you more than his words ever could…

Be it just before leaving his room that day for Bangalore the way he just holds you by your waist and just look at you with that one constant stare and then that moennt standing at the car and just watches you looks you in the eye amidst his family looking at him!!!

And that one nod of his and nobody else around gets it but you!!

To that moennt of finally seeing him that night holding you like with that one finally and initially makes you cry to just finally be able to live him touch him hold him be held by him and the waaaaaaaay seeing you cry it only made him happier with that one smiiiiile on him…comes closer asking you nobody ever loved me enough to cry for me like this miss me enough to cry like this!!!!!!!holding him away tightest as he talks away!!!!!!

It was that finalllky feeeel charlie like having found a meaning to love to know love to understand love to be loved the way he loved you…to just know and discover love and not any love but a love like him HIM!!!!!!!

Even writing it now saying it out a beautiful sigh your heart lives this very moennt…

It’s like suddenly you understand realise what longing feels like what loving someone feels like what living someone feels like like suddenly you connect more with them like suddenly absence only made that love that much stronger that it was before…!

To the next day when it was the avatar day so yeah he was back from Bangalore on the 20th actually night and the next day avatar with him his sister and mango ofc!!

And then to kee your hands off him not even touch him and him looking his gorgeous best hair grown daaadi grown and you couldn’t keep your eyes off him……this one time as you sit right behind him just bout to get in and he first time comes to hold the door for you and that ishaara asking you to touch him and hold his hand away holding the door for you……like it was that bad desperate to just touch him and him wanting the same too and you just couldn’t take your hand off him…

And mango from inside comments something and you finally had to get in and that one moennt made you happiest it’s that feeeeeeel again having felt the very same thing in that very moennt with him…

It’s beautiful it’s madness but it’s that spark of magic living someone and their details does to you!!

Like you couldn’t stop smiling after that moemnt like you ajd your moments literally eating him away the day before but that slightest touch of his hand and him wanting the same in that moennt meant the world to you!!!  

Something’s you recall and write and now feeeeel again!!!!!!!

SOME MOMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sing miyaaaaaaaaaa how only you are being missed away again if you only knew had the slightest idea how only you are being missed away!!!!!!!!!

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