Saturday 9 December 2023

Sound of him!!!!!

 To the other day over breakfast after you cooking that is your mom out of nowhere asks you bout what do you dream bout when you dream…..and you had your mouthful of food and you stuff yourself even more asking her in that same tone cause that’s how fckikg nervous and shocked you were both at once recalling what dream did you have of his the night before like did it have the “the” moments or was it a normal one and the way she goes on bout you talking in your sleep that loud ki sh could hear it in her room……

And in your head you go ok so he was talking just talking till she again mentions bout the sounds you were making and again your mind qlll of you that lost and confused trying to recollect how did he actually come….cause that’s exaaaaactly how real the Himcomings are feeling away lately!!

And she again after a pause adds some sound she couldn’t understand must have been nothing and a final sigh of relief!!

Where the next day you actually self talk yourself into making low volume sounds talk low volumes just in case right before sleeping!!

To these other moennt at the studio lately where working on something with his music in the ears and you suddenly feeeeel away that strong rush of him and with it comes along that mornings dream or the moennt from the inversions that day…

Like it’s become this obvious this change in you lately with this change in his dreams lately that she actually comments over your recent change that evident that your mom actually asked her if you were meeting someone outside home…


Like it’s these inside laughs you have when you hear such things to this beauuuuuutful incident that very night when you heard your mom asking her this……that very night he comes and you were just laughjg away as he was over you in that gorgeeeeeeeousamsexyandiknowit black shirt of his all wide open and you were laughing away and the way he looks in your eyes and says I know right and you fataaak se ask him away you also know bout it… in your head in that moment you were recalling her asking if you were seeing somebody else and there’s you living him away every night day moment almost of your life I say!!!!!

And the way he connects with you in that very moment like he knew it too!!!!

It’s this thing that has most requently happened you living some moemnt through the day and he comes actually continuing that moennt away for you from that very place you left it at!!

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