Wednesday 27 December 2023


 This feeeeeeeeeeeelinf when you are ljteralllllly flying off the ground like literally feet not touching the ground only kindaaaaa vibe you are trippin on right now!!!!!!!

It’s only when you live something after long do you real mein realise why you loved it sooo much!!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeeeel to just live him away like THIS with al open your chest your arms your mind like letting this side of you wild and free and to then live him away with his music as you move along and feeeeeeeel him along every inch of you…….

Be it waking up to a himcoming like THAT one after long like he knew you were ready to live that side of him feeeeeeel that side of him away cause all these days it’s just been the hug the holding the scent and feeeee of him it was only this morning he comes and HOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!

To this feeeeeel right post movements for the longest time like you tealllllly wanted to makeup for all this lost time and give that kind of time for these inversions actually now it’s himversions literalllllly!!!!!!

To feeeeeeeeel him away as you move all over you and then that one moment of stretching up elongating the neck and shoulder and you feeeeeeel him the strongest over the neck like that saaaaaame feeeeeel of his color of love over you the waaaaaaay it used to feeel when he missed you too much that it actually makes you stop and take a look at yourself and it was some redness around very slightly but that feeeeeeeeeeeel it left you with!!!!!!

It could be cause you overstretched it if you think logically but if you go by what and how it felt exactly it’s the him magic!!!!!!!

Absolutely and compleyelyyyy!!!!!!!

Very reason why you love it THIS much to feeeeeeel this rush right now that’s rushing through you!!!!!!



Sing miyaaaaaaaaaaa yet again yet another morning and how only you are being missed away I say!!! Yet again if you only had the slightest idea!!!!!!

This you with this light color of love it left you with…!

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