Sunday 10 December 2023

Dream.come true!!

 When you literally live a moemnt of your most looooooooooooooooved and lived dreams come true right now and can't wipe this smile and strong rushhhhhhh running through you right nowwwww!!!!!!!

Him in black shirt wide open saaaaaadly with a white t shirt on the inside but almost the exaaaaact same view as your dreams and you just wishhhhhh you could take her phone home tonight with that feeeeeeling of taking home away!!!!!!!!

Ayyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa how sexxxxiiiiiiilyyyyyyy gorgeous does he look almost exactly same as your dreams!!!!!!!

It's this feeeeeeling right now dreams to a certain extent almost coming true if pnlyyyyy the complete version of the dream would come true just like this teaser trailer came true right now...

Sing miyaaaaaaaaaaaaa how onlyyyyyyyy yubwere missed abhiiiiii ke abhiiiiii!!!!!!!!

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