Sunday 10 December 2023


 Today out for getting few things for house and studio plus some work stuff to be taken care of that was long over due!!!!

And this one time as she steps out for receiving the fabric stock from the dealer and leaves her fone back and you already had his music playing and that one feel you get when you can’t stop thinking looking at some object just laying around you… you keep looking at it looking back at you and that tick tock wait in you and you finally give in and there he was in that black shirt wiiiide open SADLY with a tee on the inside it must be the same look he did post few days back but as that had some lights around……you missed out on seeing the color of the shirt he was wearing in it!!

It was THE shirt of your dreams that you’ve lived and looooooooved him in!!  And HOW!!!!!!!!!!

Waaaaaaaays you’ve lived him in!!!!!!

And that moment when you see him in the very same thing exact cotton shirt and that one zooooop bolke mind craving to rip it off it’s those first things that hits your mind and the weird after feeel later and you see her coming immediately keep it back!!!!!

But the waaaaaaaaay that one image stays with you the aaaaaaay he looks that gorgeous the waaaaay that moennt left you with dream come true moemnt like to literally live a visual of him from the dream to life kinda vibe!!!!!

And you couldn’t stop your mind living that one visual that one wish to off it off your mind!!!!!!

As wrong as it feels like to see him stalk him literally and then to feeeeeel that way it’s all fcked up but something’s you can’t just can’t help it cause it came with that strong gut feeeeelnof a vision outta your dream to life to see him that way in that very same thing!!!!  

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