Saturday 2 December 2023


 To those finger food things!!!!!

At his place there always used to be boiled eggs over the table in a casserole kinda thing and this one thing around pickles!!!!!

And this one time with his sister and him late afternoon or something he offers you that sitting on the exact same side of the table as in the video the chair beside uncles…..

And you take one or two and the waaaaay he chuckles swaaaay at you and actually comes to your side puts it over his fingers and asks you to eat it off before his sister and you hesitate to and looks you in the eye and asks you to eat it one more time the waaaaaaay he looks at you and says it and you do……his sister saying that’s how you need to eat these and asks him to offer her too one!!!!

Feeding both of you goes back to his place and looks at you again and that one smiiiiiiile!!!!!!!!

Not having met him for years now not seen him felt him heard him for the longest of times and today to hear his voice the sound of his chuckles to watch him be his adooooooorable best version just like he used to be and ths very feeeeelinf apart from your part in his story he is exactly how he was……

Not even the slightest change in him the waaaaaaay just the waaaaaaaay he is and to then seee him in that white shirt!!!!!

Like you’ve been having living mixed feeeeels away again one of those beauuuutofully ironic dilemmas of not being sure if to adoooorw him more miss him that way or miss the wild him away from this morning!!!!!

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