Saturday 9 December 2023


 To write a story to live a story to share a story any kind of storytelling is freedom karely film making is setting your mind free!!!!!

And this very thing you’d lived the most with this recent one where everybody around commenting over how anti feminist it was including the friends you were out with but on your mind two things that strong feel of him for films and story telling and the other being Him himself….

There were these gorgeous moments that did bring him along and HOW!!!!!!!

Be it that very scene of him putting those boots rough over her feet or him touching her feet away telling her bout getting married and stuff and the waaaaaaay it takes you back to moments lived with him…

This instance when for the first time you did live that side of him… the gvk mall as you get off wearing these chudi pants and he actually on his knees with people around walking towards the security check turning and looking at him and you keep telling him that and on his knee looks up at you and that one smile and then that roughly pulls your chudi pant down literally and that sudden rush in you cause you felt that sensed that kind of a thing for the first time…

The way it shakes you up on the inside and you slowly just hold onto your waist wity your elbow like hoping the naada doesn’t come off cause that’s how beautifully rough he was adjusting away the chudi over your ankle talking bout how you didn’t know how to wear the chudi pant right and it always bothered him and he wanted to always adjust it on you and couldn’t pehle…and that day he wanted to show you how it’s supposed to be worn the right way but in that moment charlie all you could feeel the way he was pulling it adjusting it over the ankle holding your ankle rough…once done gets off and looks you in the eye and you show him around people watching and the way he looks around and says so what!!

It was that very different first time feeeeels to just feel that sense to that feel of him doing it to just living that feeeeel that way of his love for you not caring bout anybody watching and just loving you the way he wanted to…

Even writing it now this sudden rush of goosebumps it gives you everytime you relived that moennt ever since the movie that day!!

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