Saturday 2 December 2023

HOW MUCH!!!!!!

 How much can you possibly miss someone this night aaaaaj thoooo!!!!!!

Few sips down of the bluuuu bottle gin and this mind right now hazy dancing away to this video of his and the waaaaaaaaay you have only been imagining yourself in place of ringo and him holding your face saying my bombiii you are…!

It’s like been on repeat the previous one watching every day morning first thing you wake up and this one now on repeat already!!!!!!

The most beauuuuuuuuuuutoful hoooooman on the face and everything of this planet I swear!!!!!

This smile everytime he chuckles awaaaaay that adoooooorably like hearing it over the earplug now hits differently!!!!!! The sound of his voice the sound of his chuckle and everytime he chuckles you smiiile away with this khushiiii just for the sound of his voice…

Him in whites where do you even start for this love of yours for him in whites right from the very start…

This you aaaaj thoooooo from that wild wildfdddd missing morning to this now teary eyed smiling away looking at him cause that’s how bad the missing just got now all over again!!!!!

It’s this beauuuuty of living someone charlie having lived them that close as you love them and these very details picturing reliving them knowing exactly how they sound and react over it!!

Hiwleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you grogeousssssss lil big adoooooooooooooorablest thing how only you are being missed away today!!!!!!!

It’s the most special video seen in a lng longest of times cause it did bring back too many memories of having lived him with the exact same expression with you for you…!

You did get luckiest in the world for having found Him…

This viiiiiiiibe of today!!!!!!!!!

 Verewww level only ajjj tho!!!!!!!

Saving this state of mind away cause it bring back the bestest of memories him doing the same thing away!!

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