Sunday 10 December 2023


 Him looking his gorgeouuuuuuus best self with that signature teeethy smile of his that he used to back then when happy super happy and in some selfies he used to share back then he used to have this one signature style of smiling…….and with some girl beside!!!!!

It’s that feeeeel you wishing him the best and also missing that very him away and HOW!!!!!!

With that one constant thing bout how absolutefckingly anybody is who gets live him anyway slightest of him bhi like somebody just walking past by him to be able to get a whiff of him brush their arm against him just walking past by him… just be able to live a glance of a second across the street to just live that beauuuuuuuuuuuty of him to just hear him talk watch him walk breathe the same air as him in the room across him!!!!!

Like from these lilst of things to the biggest of wishes of ways to live him to be able to love him and most importantly to be loved by Him…

Like ever since that moment of living him in that picture you struggle to not get those feeeels but you just can’t help it cause it’s that exact visual of him from the dreams cause you lived him that way THAT often…….

Him under him over black beauuutiful softest black shirt wide open and him looking that GORGEOUS away like for initial seconds you land in that confusion to live him live every detail of him away in that shirt or just jump right in eat him away kinda vibe!!!!!!

VISUAL of your dreams…!

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