Sunday 3 December 2023

This THIS!!!!!!

 There’s this rushhhh of him from today’s nap dream in the car like for the first time in a long time actually you passed out in the car it was a hectic day of work to later in the evening showing up at a friends place helping her out with the space as she is buildings away from where you to stay and there was this music playing right in the next door……working on boxes and that feeeeel of being drawn and go out closer to the lift where you could hear the sound and this track GORGEOUSNESS like it had that strong rush of him the second you heard it even faintly from her house…….and the waaaaaay it pulls you closer to give it a listen and you literally run out before the track gets over Shazam it and find it!!!!!!

Since then that one track on loop and that state of your mind ever since that very moment!!

As she goes down stairs to bring some snacks and stuff play the sound and dance away it was this zone this mooooood it lands you in the waaaaay it was making you move with that rush of him on your mind…….

It was beauuuuuuuutoful charlie what some sounds can allow you to feel and experience like from what you were already living in your mind the waaaaay that one sound fuelled it all the more and HOW!!!!!!!!

Like right now there’s this neeeed to write out and at the same time to just be living this vibe of the day and that dream of his… was more like a visual of him than a dream!!!!!!

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