Wednesday 6 December 2023


 There’s that one person one feeeel that stays in your heart and life the strongest like no other feeeeel that you’ve ever felt or lived and that feeeeeels like the most home you’d ever felt!!!!!!

in your case it’s been him the first and only place person that you’ve lived loved and felt like Home…

These dreams lately and this missing lately and the waaaaaaaays it’s making it all this beauuuutofully worse making you realise this fact of your life over n over again……

To living that beauuuuuuuuty of him in that video and imagining you as ringo every single time cause that’s how much you’d lived that exaaaaact same vibe of his same exact habit of his!!!!!!!

To these dreams and this missing you wake up with trying to understand what’s happening lately and if it’s this strongly you feeeeeling it away why it’s not happening for really REAL!!!!!!

Cause you’ve never had these experiences in dreams before never dreamt him this way never before did he come this often these ways and then that clfnusik it leaves you everytime with…..

To these multiple other moments and this movie thing you need to write bout but for now!!!!!!!

This loooooooooooove to feeeeeeeeeeel him away like this post workout move!!!!!!!!

It’s the waaaaaaaaay that scent of him comes first then that gentle to wild brush moves across and over you… you move along today it was more bout him making you move along as you feeel his hand away that one touch that familiar the way you could this strongly feeeeeeeel away!!!!!!!

It’s this beauuuuuuuutiful slow rush to wild it gently moves across with this one sound of him…and as you just lay to live that feeeeeeel and that strong feeeeeeeep of him again over the neck like from under to over kinda moments………it’s this beauuuutoful madnesss everytime you write it out cause how ca you possibly feeeeeel it away this strongly this specifically but that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of these movements and moments!!!!!!!

Almost addictive like you don’t wanna stop the flow as you feeeeel him away also making you realise how much HOW MUCN you miss his touch too!!!!!!!

From moves to that wait in you yo feeeeel that sense of him touch of him that floowww of him with you and every single time now that one wish to live these very movements with him for real……

Some wishes nai…!

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