Thursday 7 December 2023

Moving with the floww!!

 You know that's how HOW MUCH you used to loooooooooove livin' him away with now being these movements that you live him away sense him away feel him away with!!!

And when after a dream like that one you wake up and had to skip this very feeeeeelin him away like the song goes private party push enriqur.......cause of the raghus dumma and make breakfast his fav parathas it had to be...nownfor lunch still making this smile just wouldn't go I say!!!!!!!

That beauuuuuuuutyof him sitting over in his kitchen as you make the parathas for breakfast at his place...some moennrs kaise bhi karke make the time out I say!!

Like if it wasn't for the movements then this one now moving feeeeeeeelij him away with the floww I say!!

Singggg miyaaaaaaaaaa how only you were missed abhiiiiii ke abhiiiiiiii!!!!!!

Moments like these living him away like this LIFE I say!!!!!!

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