Friday 30 June 2023

Weird times…

 There are these weird times also sometimes now post workout you are bout to stretch with that wait and then you suddenly just be there wondering what’s the point now!!!!

And you skip it instead, and some strong moment at work or some place out just comes across telling you making you feel otherwise and with that another stronger pull back to him…

It’s that also weirder time when you wake up from a stronger dream of his with him telling you otherwise showing that much love away and you wake up realising the reality and stil wondering if this is what it is then what was that that you just felt…

Some days you are still lost even small steps towards a cafe or store has you wondering where you are heading to as lil as that and as random as that and some music there happens or some visual that strongly that brings him along and gives you that strong sense of him…..which is not just your mind but a co incidence of that strong level!!!!!

Still writing as the buzz settles a bit wondering why stays till the dream and not after the waking up too if was for really real…it would’ve been you instead nai!!!!!

Mind going back to logics exactly why you stayed away from writing out in detail and seat belting your mind away!!!!!!

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