Saturday 3 June 2023


 Him just being him and that beauuuuuuutifully adooooorablu sexilyyyy being just him!!!!!!!

Just bout to land the chummi away and he gets off and back to his corner of the couch and for a moemnt you be there and that one look as he looks you in the eye a beauuuuutiful pull every single time…

The way it would immmediately fataaak se sway you off n away closer to him…get off and on your knees closer to him first talking bout something and then setting his hair away as he leans over more just so you do what you were that happily doing away……his johnnybravo style hairdo!!!!!!

From that moment to just finallllllly holding him away as for that moemnt he leans over a lil more and you bas couldn’t hold it back anymore the very first hug the second you hold him the way he almost lifts you off the floor as you were still on your knees by his knees…

Ab roti na tu the way agaaaaaain he knew what and how exactly you felt in that very moment still holding him the way he says that…….

SOME moment you relive feel over your arms and palms that touch of him to touch him to hold him to sniff him away from that close ayyaaaa to live that presence of him something’s you write and the way it suddenly blanks you out like this why did you even get into these details knowing how this would leave you feeling away but sometimes itteeeee zorseee yaad ata na ineee charlie this sometimes calms it away in some strange weird way making it worse at the same time…

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