Thursday 1 June 2023


 Some visuals just take over all of you and not just your mind!!!!

This mornings dream visual was just one of those!!!!!!

This beauty of the night right now where you can sense and smell away the almost monsoon vibes in the air already…close your eyes with his song playing and the waaaaaaay again you see that very same visual…

It was like you had your face over a table top or something and him leaning close to you on the side chair slightly opposite!!

His face was the sketch/painting image of his insta and his arms for real like it was that beautifully weird cause his arms were reaching and stretching out to you and you couldn’t make sense of why you weren’t going any closer to him knowing he was right there with that confusion in the head u ask him away are you still a painting or ya tuu sach mein you hai bey…

And suddenly it’s like the outer layer of the sketch squishes away as his face comes out of it like he comes out of it and reaches out of it and chummis your nose away all of it just as he used to back then……..and that one whisper howliii hai tu!!!!!!!

Shakes you up wakes you up and HOW!!!!!!!

Cause your nose that lil moist still even after the waking up check the aircon it stil was on you still felt that chill all over but except for your nose it was as wet as luckys nose used to be…

The waaaaaay that whole moemnt visual vibe of that dream left you wondering what it was even about!!!!!!!

There was that initial weirdness of how could you not even jump rush run to him soon as you saw him to the way half of him a sketch to the other half moving and reaching out to you in the most beauuuuutifully weirder of ways…to that epic moment of trip when his face when he comes out of it and for real comes that closest!!!!!!

Even writing and reliving it now this weird feel…!

Am telling you charlie mind has been experiencing a missing like never before…

All day at work the way it kept playing on loop and everytime you live that moment of him coming out to reach you the way it shook you up every single time no matter what you were doing or where you were at!!

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