Saturday 24 June 2023


 Almost done with the day and just bout to drop her home and on the way decide to stop over some coffee and sandwiches and she gets down to get those and you had to attend another work call and whilst talking you notice she had left her phone first ask the driver to give her and the second had it in your hand hang up and instead that one neeeeed to see him and there he was first rains in Bombay too!!!!!!!

Auyyaaaaaaaaaa heart feeeeeels in sync that beauuuuuuutifully with that slightest glimpse of his hand or finger rather makes your day away and HOW !!!!!!!

How just that THAT much him too and I swear charlie that one smile on you that hits that second the waaaaay it’s till intact even now as you write cause some feeeeeeels are just bwyoooond like you can’t really reason out why it makes you feel the way it does but anything slightest of things to do with him and that one beauuuuutoful pull off and away from the rest of the world to being drawn away to everything him and HOW!!!!!!!

The Norah jones tracks he used to send you back then to playing one of those today with that visual of first rains and your hearttttttttt ayyyyaaaaaaaaa every single human that comes across him in that moment or to just live that beauuuuuty of him away BLESSED I say!!!!!!!

How truly truly lucky some people really ought to be that blessed I swear!!!!!!!!! And just like that!!!!!!!!!!!

To live that beauuuuuty of him to feeeeeeel touch smell that beauuuuuty of him for real to that gorgeousness of the rains along ayyyaaaaaa some wishes I swear!!!!!!!

Can never grow used to or get over nai!!!!!!!!

Like from that moment on the coffee doesn’t go down the neck or the food cause that’s how beauuuutifully lost you were and that need to hold your mind back play the oldest of jams from back in the day backstreet boys to MJ MJ still love though but BS boys you just couldn’t make sense as to this is the kind of music you really liked full body palm moment of realisation it was…

Mind still this high on him and here goes the blink of the thunder again…….

Going back to that wish what if in that moment instead of this wish you’d wished for him instead in that very moment!!!!!!!!

Strangest are the ways of the heart I say…!

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