Wednesday 7 June 2023

To life with Him…

 Be it the decision of choosing talwalkars at the last moment instead of golds gym to finding him to falling and rising in love with him and making that decision just few months away from getting married and then staying with that same decision for over years now…

It’s not something you chose but something that chose you..

Cause never for once even did it ever feel something wrong or something that was meant to change….

As the years went by never for once did you ever feel that sense of could’ve been something else could’ve been someone else cause that Him in you and with you has always been there be it with his presence or his absence that was something did eventually become beyond you and wasn’t upto you anymore…

Never for once regret anything feel sorry over something in life every step of the way the way it only made you grow stronger with that sense of him along as weirdly crazy as this sounds that love of him still with you somehow…

Yes there are a zillion things ways you miss him like it’s not just one thing one instance that you miss him for or bout him like the overall thing to life with him is all you miss…

Includes every version of him in every way possible ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa that one beauuuuty of him!!!!!!

People change people part ways heart grow distant part of life but in your case the heart never grew distant or wander the way it stayed where it’d found its home and you couldn’t change that cause it was beyond you by then…

With her commenting that harsh over it u take it to be the phase she is going through which in itself is an example of it doesn’t matter what relationship it is if it doesn’t feel like home it won’t and you had found yours already and been there eve since and couldn’t do a thing bout that……

Even right now smiling away to the memory recall from thatmeet of his that stayed with you post that workout moemnt cause when he comes like this ayyyaaaaaaaaaa this heart I say can’t keep that smile off!!!!!!!

Also when you realise how these things don’t even affect you anymore cause they don’t matter to you!!!!!

U let things affect u when it does matter to you is when again u realise as vulnerable u still maybe over some aspects strangely uve grown stronger too…

Things when you did insist on avoiding holding doors then to live that moemnt charlie did shake you up bad ever since like u do your best listening to the songs away stuffing the mind with work didn’t work and today post work soon as you are home u just had to workout and get that mind right lil did you know of all the moments it would be this one…

The sound of Him in more ways than one and each one had your heart on it!!!!!!!

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