Friday 30 June 2023

Moments n slow chummies!!!!!

 Mooooooments like these!!!!!!!

When even watching the mildly spooky like very mild more of a dumb one movie like scream couldn’t wake you up with the sudden loud noises in between as you galti se fall asleep watching it!!!! Like that’s when you know the “horror” was epic fail!!!!!!

And to this one side as you move towards the place where his music was still on with on n off drizzles in between like you could still hear it all and this one moemnt when you suddenly feel all goosebumpy like that’s when you know feeeeeeel he is here and you try to move your face closer just so could feel him even more or his daaaaadi away like in your mind you are still not moving fully but still wanting to move and reach out to him…

And even before you could make sense of it the saaaaaame ditto chummi of his frommversova slow nibble that could feeeel and the waaaaay it shakes you up to wake up and see him and again nowhere…

It’s still feeeeeling this beauuutifully strange charlie cause you could still feeeel his presence in the afyerfeels of his chummi like still that strong like it happened for realllllly real kinda real…also cause it’s been forever almost since felt it last so you knowwwww when it felt that strongly and to still be able to feel it over you is magic beyond logics I say…

Ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kitttuuuuuuuuuuuuu miyaaaa if you onlyyyyyyyy had the soightttttest idea bhi I swear the waaaaays you are lived looooooved and missed!!!!!!!!   

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