Monday 5 June 2023

THE glow!!!!!!

 U glow differently when you are loved!!!!!!!

How bloody fucking beauuuuuuuuutifulky true whoever came up with this line…

Didn’t know this back then and always wondered why on your way back from opera that glow on you everytime you checked yourself for his colors of love and that face the way the you always felt that beauuutofully transformed and every single time you almost used to ask him seeing yourself in the vanity mirror in his car even in the dark with occasional highway cars passing by lights you check yourself and that face the way it always looked that beautifully different and his look that one smile as you check yourself and just feel happy with the way you looked and him smiliuiiiing away that one smile of his beauuuutoful mix of shy and that passionate!!!!!!!

The dream THE dream and you wake up with that same feeeeeeel of wanting to be just be that way to get back to a lil normal before you step out of the room and the first thing first rush to see yourself and that THAT feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel hits you differently…

Exactly why I say when I say these jsut can’t be dreams after all just merely a dream cause the ways he comes they are much much more than just dreams…then same doubt lagta every single time you feel this away why just till the dreams when you feel his this THIS much love away even with his absence…

That rush need to workout and get done quickly quickly mind just that happpy high that you realise today the knee can jiggle and dance away too to the beat…ofc with the weights on you found this extraordinary thing bout yourself the knee can dance saala and yet you can’t!!!!!

Soooo yah back to the post workout rush the stretches moves and play a track almost him and you wanted more of him aaj tho Kaise bhi and play another one cause it brings along his Versova wale nibble chummis along and again this one move you stretch out and stumble and lean over one arm that very moment the sense of him over neck to the somethingsssssssss you soooo badddddd wanna write out and these things!!!!!!  

It was that sudden STRONGGGGG sense of him that just runs through and over you that it shakes you up and trip over one side completely the akele akele shiver same initial shiver with him his presence that always used to come out then laugh over your missing high mind madness away!!!!!!

It was a very VERY ironically beautiful moment today cause that’s how stringlllly you could sense his presence that felt like real for really real kinda real…

It was this stark contrast charlie the other day you finish workout lost state of mind and take a picture see yourself and skip posting it today in that same position you take a pic post take a few see yourself with filter without that flow of him and glow because of him still shows!!!!!!

Naiiii maloooooooooom Kaise and still why or how these things happen but the waaaaaaay this thing has always been there right from that first moemnt at opera…

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