Tuesday 13 June 2023


 Be it waiting with some track or having that moment of imagining moving ringo off his lap and laying over living his stare away ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaa how can a face become your heart charlie like it’s not just the face anymore it’s your heart tat just pops out of you every single time you see and jumps over and stays over that THAT one face!!!!!!!

It’s like anythung to do with him slightest bhi and the waaaaaays it leaves back a zillion feels even amidst all this hectic schedule !!!!!!

Bah some days nai lagta ab pls thoda simple kardo like aaj just make things a lil simpler yo handle at work and then another complication pops up!!!!!!

Like too many things to deal with sort out and then there is this beauuuuuuuutiful chaotic calm of his like it comes along like a wild rush of wind and just sort of gulps you down away and HOW!!!!!!!

Like you are gone for the outer world and that sneaking away into your own…….like you literally step off and away jn your balcony corner play his music and just be there smiling away reliving the moemnt from the mornings dream…

It’s beautiful nai recalling the moment sometime back the way it’s not just your eyes nose lips that know him but your skin without his smell today just knew that beauuuuuuutoful feeeeel of his daaadi over from that back from Bangalore moemnt of his…….

Even back then you remember closing your eyes and feeling his daaaaaadi away with your face all over cause that’s howswwww much you loved that feeeeeeeel!!!!!

Decade later to feeeeeel that very same feeeeeling even his absence was SOMETHING else!!!!!!!!!

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