Wednesday 7 June 2023


 Find a human that feels like a very very cosy home at heart even in the absence…

To you it’s always been him right from that very first sighting of him…

That very first step of his into the gym straight into your heart I say was the moemnt even before you knew you’d found your Home already…

Some sounds a chilled glass of gin overloaded with ice and cranberry the song playing from sounds of his baby lil snores to the sound of his chuckle soon as he wakes up is all you can feeeeeeeeel away after 2 full days of chaos and mixed vibe!!!!!!!

It’s the waaaaaaaay like always anything to do with him calms away stormiest of storms come what may like he used to say…….

This mind this you right now this beauuuuuuuuuutifully soooo ohhhh sooooooo high on him…

A missing yet again like never before ever I say…!

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