Saturday 17 June 2023

Slow mornings…!

 His logic back then when I wake up whatever time I wake up it’s my morning again one of those things with time did become yours too so now for you it’s a morning…

Last few days design stuff shoot stuff then bumble stuff it was too hectic to handle it all at once……

So today you decide to take a slow start specially with a gloomy state of mind with no dream of his this morning…

Wake up laaatest possible first thing had to was get back to workout routine of atleast 5 times in a week from here on…

Inside inside that one wait ab ataaaa tab ataaaaa Karke Karke that one song accidentally you hit the first track itself brings along him magic not him him like you usually do like feeeel him along but visuals of him today….

The Skype visuals of his playing on loop his expressions his nods his smiiiiiiiiiiiles his stares!!!!!!

It was one of those cofusing moments to relive the him from your Skype and!!!!!!!

Half way through the workout this sudden twitch in the eye and by the time you are done with it realise one eye had turned that beautifully red…yes there’s some beauty in the irony too like you were already that beauuutifully high on him from those calls amidst the moves and then to find your eye with veins turning red in slow mo was weirdly beautiful!!!!!

Though now it’s gotten worse not sure what it is hoping it doesn’t teanfrom into a red ball over the ball of a face of yours by tomo with the work event to attend…

Some visuals the feeeeeeels it leaves you with even reliving it now HIM pooooooora ka pooooooooora heart of a vision he was everytime to look at to live him ayyyaaaaaaAA the way it all feels like a dream sometimes now…

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