Friday 30 June 2023

Places n people!!!!!

 When it was too much noise and you were done with showing your face you leave from there saying you had to be somewhere…..and leave akele on your way find this new space stop over there and just sit amidst few people no sound nothing looking around couples around rains out…..

With her on the phone and the guy looking everywhere possible but at her…

Like you just be there doing something you loved with him and used to witb him… taking this forced break from work post hectic schedules of waking up midnight for you early morning for the world hours for learning to drive to take the lessons then rushing to work skipping the workout and to finally giving up learning to drive cause you couldn’t mannegrt the work calls morning rush to also focusing the driving bit on a new car with break that strong that it felt like you were giving hiccups to the entire body of yours!!!!!

And finally hire some new driver with fingers crossed!!!!!

Also like today to just give that time to yourself be it that new place and then heading to Starbucks cause the coffee at the new place sucked!!!!

Caramel macchiato is your love at Starbucks cause it comes along with kilo kilo bhar ke froth which also btw brings him along brings his smiles along!!!!!!!!

From people watching to self analysis moment!!!!!

Like it was that timeout to the self slow it down a lil and just be…

Back then sitting together commenting over the walks talks and people around to being lost in each other and not being able to take eyes and legs off other……

To today one on phone one checks out everybody around possible but her…..and there he was your most beauuuuuutifully adorable sexiliouslyyyyyyy gorgeous hooooman of your life jsut being himself and in the most extraordinary of ways…

His talks his mind ayyyaaaaaaaa it was heart charlie like you always felt those moments of suddenly imagining almost cartoon style like your heart jumped out wearing shirt and sitting right before you like suddenly it was him as your heart smiling away staring away doing the random people analysis ralk away or just talking bout hitler and you still all smiles cause you used to find a zillion more new things away bout him and adooooore each one of them away!!!!!!

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