Saturday 3 June 2023


 Him ayyyaaaaaaaaa this one big sigh your heart feels and lives every single time you miss him this way!!!!!!!!

Years and years of missing!!!!!!!!!

People might remember biggest of days in relationships but his way to remember lilst of things bout you…to just know lilst of random most things bout you and know it thaaaaaaaaaat well!!!!!!!!

That one face this beauuuutifully still clear from that very moment as he realises and knew that the last time was with him and that one smile that follows after you mention the same that you never had it again…….

Play the music on his laptop starts to roll away with that one beauuuuuuutiful smile on him and starts to talk bout his work and stuff and you ask him bout things around his house smokes for a bit and then fataaak se gets off and on to your side of the couch and just lays over your lap…….

That THAT one feeeeeeling again this clear what and how do you feel like when suddenly you experience that sense of happiness literally on and over your lap that THAT was your ditto feeeel and view right there….

And that one sigh inside as you do your best to hold back your feels which he clearly used to mention and ask you not to tell him you loved him and you struggle to hold back that level of Khushi inside and there he goes with that one beauuuutiful sound of sigh loud and says I missed this and as he turns and comes closer to your stomach like literally resting over it and says you know I couldn’t feel this with anybody else and this very thing he had said back at his space too in Hyderabad again same feeel of a zillion questions how many laps he tried to look for that in and andar andar you just smile away thinking all that mattered was that moemnt now that he was finally there rest all part of the story of finding him…

It’s that feeeeel charlie knowing understanding what’s your real absolute most important priority and you just go by with it…to you in that moment all that mattered was he was there telling you exactly how he felt how much he missed you in his own way again and you were just happy very very happy with it…knowing thinking you weren’t the only one who missed him away all that while!!!!!!!

The way he moves over a bit and then closes his eyes and stays that way as you run through his hair just feel his forehead away dheere se to just live him away that way charlie ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa THIS heart now what do you even do with visuals like these that run this THIS clear as you write out the details and relive them that very same moment all over again!!!!!!!

If he only had the slightest idea I swear THIS missing today bhi!!!!!!!!!!   

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