Friday 30 June 2023


 Something’s you just cantttttt deny your heart of like the waaaaaay that one second of his presence made you feel like he was really there for real with his chummi you just canttttt take to be random or just some dream or vision cause even after the waking up the way you could still feel it that strongly over you…

Exaaaactly the same way you donno what how or why there are some streets that bring him along some stretches of the road that just bring him along and these aren’t even the same spaces that you’d lived him at back then……..and still to feeeel him and the other day it almost made you wish away for something like that after a very very long time…like if it wasn’t yesterday maybe someday soon you’ll soon live him there for real and be with him there…

Kukatpally stretche of road is another one of those!!!!

Now with this rains it’s all the more special n magical the waaaaaays it just strings your heart away but come back home with strained neck almost cause all the way there and back aaaj kal all you do is look up with his music and feeeeeeel him away all the way through…

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