Friday 30 June 2023

Running missing!!!!!

 It's a runnnnnn ofa missing mode this morning with the longest days off from work and yet a friend's friend event to attend now but had tooooo squeeze in a workout cause you know when a missing hits you this hard with weather getting sexier by the day you just had tooooo feeeeeel him away and HOWWWWWW!!!!!!

Agaaaaainnnn the waaaaaays he comes charlie ayyaaaaaaa meraaaaaaa poooooora ka pooooooooora heart liver lover kidney I saaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!

Be it the rushhhhhh of him ever since the waking up be it the daaaaaadiiii feeeeels that you can still feeeeels away over Ur cheeks even as you write now and relive it ayyyaaaaaaaaaa poooooora dubukkk bolkeeee dubaaaaadetaaaa inneeeeee one way he comes!!!!!!!!

More too much more bulletin coming soon tonight on this for now this mind body soul happppppppoy him highjhhh and howwwwwww cheeks just won't refuse to go back to normal i say!!!!!!

Kittttuuuuuuuuuuuuu miyyyaaaaaaa tum aisaaaaaaa waisaaaaaa kaisaaaaa kaisaaaaaaaaaa yaaad areee ji!!!!!!!

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