Sunday 4 June 2023


 The other day night rather on your way back home these numbers be it on billboards or car numbers being 2710 2110 2772 2727 being your most favourite one like there were one after the other and the way it had you all smiles taking em to be signs everywhere to some white shirt white shoe guy anything to everything at all that beauuuuutifully in sync to this track playing on loop and yob realise this beauty of music…

His music…!

The way certain tracks hold THAT much essence of a moemnt even years after exactly the same way that you’d felt listening to it in that moment…

Eyes shut the song dm from Versova playing and the waaaaaay you could still feeeeel him the touch of him the stare of his his lips nibbles him holding feeling your arm your fingers your nose every detail of yours just living it all away and as you try to move or something to get water and he holds you not wanting you to move letting you move an inch away from him and instead stretches out to the bottle and gives you then n there to have it the waaaaaaaaaaay you could feel him scream away I missed you I love you without saying a word just by his actions that clear…….

His fone ringing checks it for a second leaves it aside and the only other thing he made sure to keep a check on was his music…like if some other track plays he would change it and then look at you and then it play like syncing the music with the vibe of the moemnt kinda thing of his every single time…

It was all magic charlie like even when you think of it now the waaaaaaay he was that day it’s that same feeeel of few moments from opera away from everything else and just that need to live each other away!!!!!!!

No wonder the next day when you wake up and see yourself in the mirror you weee all covered with colors of his love away…….the MOST That he had ever left on and over you!!!!!

The neck the complete arm cheek chin like all the first time spots arm forearm being the first too…….

Like you didn’t even remember when did he manage all that away cause that’s HOW lost you were in him!!!!!!

AGAIN Where to where only it went!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS mind now!!!!!!!!!!

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