Tuesday 13 June 2023

Things you do!!!!!

 Things a missing high mind could do is sometimes ironically hilarious charlie!!!!!

Like be it the post workout moment waiting for that Himcoming moment and instead of focusing on the workout or the moves you keep switching tracks and as you play close your eyes and check does it tingg your heart does it bring along a glimpse of him nah it didn’t change like you just lay there switching tracks closing eyes and trying to find that zone to lose yourself and find him in…

Today as you bend over trying to stretch out your toes movement and trying to reach out to your head over floor move that you are trying to perfect at and that sudden feeeeeeeeeeel of his arms around your waist and all of him that you could THAT strongly feel at all of your back like it definitely wasn’t the air or just the mind cause you literally were sweating away like almost done with shower kinda thing so you could definitely feel him and it wasn’t just the air that woooshed over you!!!!!!

And you don’t move stay that way and close your eyes and the waaaaaay the mind zoooop bolke off to the same moment at his Dd space as you keep literally begging him for a hug saying ek hug pls cause it was your stupid brain that initially said let’s meet for coffee and he stayed with that idea even when at his space and said now we will sit and meet like we are at the coffee shop and you keep touching him holding him and beg him for a hug and he keeps chuckling away seeing your helplessness and loving every bit of it…to that moemnt finallly when he said it was time for you to leave and u still ask him looking him in the eye one final time ek hug pls and he nods saying a no and you turn around to take your bag and the waaaaaay he holds you away from the back saying aisaa Kaise jaane deta terku and you turn and finnnaaaaaaaly that hug as he moves you a lil away you look him in the eye and that one spark like always charlie like that one moment of spark in his eyes twinkle wit tat THAT much love for you and you chummi him away and the way he chuckles away in the moemnt pushes you a lil saying na it was a permission for just a hug and you chummi him again and does the same thing to that one moemnt when he finalllly breaks it all and that chummi back from him changes it all away!!!!!!!!

Some SOME moments!!!!!!!!!!

Even as you write and relive now!!!!!!!


That one touch of his that one chummi from him and!!!!!!!!!

This thing charlie back then meeting with distance with every gap and that weird feel with evrrry gap like it used to feel ajeeb initially to directly see him at his space but soon it did become that one thing yih loojed most forward for even at work that one wait for one message from him to see him!!!!!

It wasn’t just the other things it was also more about living Him the actual him lilst things bout him having lunch with him watching him eat those moments of watching some random movie and playing fooling wrestling around with him where his most loved thing used to be wrestling dropping you off the bed saying ye mera bed hai ye and you on the floor laying there saying ab mein idhar he rehti n watch the movie that way where finallly that one hand of his reaching out to you and that one pull always!!!!!!!!

Baaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this mind right now whrrr you can feeeel the writing going where to where only!!!!!!

But exactly what writing him does to you always one thing and the waaaaaay it all starts to flow where it goes beyond your control!!!!!!!

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