Friday 30 June 2023


 Even today when you had to attend this event after a waking up like that one this morning the waaaaay the one smile wouldn’t just go…

It was some reaching a milestone of work kinda lil big thing….. and it’s that one feeel every single time when anything himnyou are laced with and the waaaay no matter who you are around what you are doing the waaaay the him feeels stay with you…and these random things only make it that beautifully worse with some guys jersey saying 27 or another someone wearing walking around in those beautiful khakis of his and his legs rush through you crossing the street or crossing over and around you…and you feel it away saying how he had sexier legs than you……and him usual living your presence away with that chuckle and nods along!!!!!

Look around and see some white and that inside conversational mode ye tho hotaaa he nai…….to suddenly somebody plays over lucky alis recent upload at that volume amidst the already loud music and your heart smiles away all the more so much so that the manager comes over saying you jnow sometimes people will take you to be crazy doing this smiling away akele akele the way you do…

But how do you even explain out reason put scenarios like these cause that’s how strongly you’ve felt him in those very moments!!!!!the waaaay everywhere you look your eyes in that one constant search mode looking for just that one face in the world for you!!!!!!

It’s when you know can feeeeeeel how much joy that one being brings into your life be it absence or presence like your insides your heart already knows and feeeeels it’s priority all through the most random of moenbrz too! !!!!!

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