Sunday 4 June 2023


 Come to think of it all it took was just that one visual of his outfit from that day to reaching Zara to collect the order and you have to go through this men’s section for the same..

And like always THAT many things and imagining him away in each one of them and at this one corner you find a similar oatmeal color that he had on that day in that meet same coloured thing and as you go closer to feel the fabric away closing your eyes it was the exact same feel……

Open your eyes and there was somebody waiting there to check that set out and it got that awkward take that anyway being oversized out of shape but still that need to cause it had that feeeeeel of him….

To this another shirt and again saaaaame vibe of his striped one when he changes into that and straight comes over to you to show you and you actually check him out cause that’s how beauuuuuutiful he looked that day and also was the first time you’d seen him in full kapde at the gym…

It’s like there were a zillion good female stuff but the waaaaaays things can make you feel away is beyond anything else…ever since his absence anything him you find him in fills up tat absence away in a blink of a second……

For r that moment atleast!!!!!!

Like some days the moments are that beauuuuutifulky in sync like they were designed for you to feeel away live him away in your own way doesn’t make any sense!!!!!!

How what or why but the waaaaays it makes you feel away is beyond anything at all!!!!!

Not even upto you or in your control!!!!!!!

THAT one face in the world I say for you!!!!!

And this stretch of road strangely somehow always has that bit of magic like kuch thooo there’s always there….

Like you wait for moments when you know you will be there!!!!!

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